2016-17: Journal publications and conference presentations
2016-17: Journal publications and conference presentations
Journal publications 2016-17
Bennetts, S. K., Mensah, F. K., Green, J., Hackworth, N. J., Westrupp, E. M. & Reilly, S. (2017). Mothers’ experiences of parent-reported and video-recorded observational assessments, Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26: 3312. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-017-0826-1
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Petrovic, Z., Coe, A., Seymour, M. & Cann, W. (2016 online). Depression and anger in fathers of unsettled infants: A community, Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,53(2), 131-135. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpc.13311
Cooklin, A.R., Westrupp, E.M., Strazdins, L., Martin, A., Giallo, R. & Nicholson, J.M. (2016). Fathers at work: Work-family conflict, work-family enrichment and parenting in an Australian cohort, International Journal of Family Issues, 37(11), 1611-1635. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X14553054
Crawford, S., Green, J., Bennetts, S. K., et al. (2017). ‘Worries, ‘weirdos’, neighbourhoods and knowing people: A qualitative study with parents and children of children’s independent mobility, Health & Place, 45, 131-139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.03.005
Cyril, S., Green, J., Nicholson J. M. N., Agho, K., Polonsky, M. & Renzaho, A. (2017 epub). Using the nominal group technique to examine the barriers and facilitators to childhood obesity prevention among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in Victoria, Australia. Australia New Zealand Journal Public Health, 41: 287-293. https://doi.org/10.1111/1753-6405.12648
Cyril, S., Green, J., Polonsky, M., Agho, K. & Renzaho, A. (2016). Readiness of communities to engage with childhood obesity prevention initiatives in disadvantaged areas of Victoria, Australian Health Review, 41(3), 297-307. https://doi.org/10.1071/AH16069
Goodyear, M., Maybery, D., Reupert, A., Allchin, R., Fraser, C., Fernbacher, S. & Cuff, R. (2016). Thinking families: A study of the characteristics of the workforce that delivers family-focussed practice, International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 26: 238-248. https://doi.org/10.1111/inm.12293
Hackworth, N.J., Berthelsen, D., Matthews, J., Westrupp, E.M., Cann, W., Ukoumunne, O.C., Bennetts, S.K., Phan, T., Scicluna, A., Trajanovska, M., Yu, M. & Nicholson. (2017). Impact of a Brief Group Intervention to Enhance Parenting and the Home Learning Environment for Children Aged 6-36 Months: a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial, Prevention Science, 18: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11121-017-0753-9
Isobel, S., Goodyear, M., & Foster, K. (in press)Psychological Trauma in the Context of Familial Relationships: A Concept Analysis. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. https://doi:10.1177/1524838017726424
Macvean, M., Shlonsky, A., Mildon, R. & Devine, B. (2017). Parenting interventions for Indigenous child psychosocial functioning: A scoping review, Research on Social Work Practice, 27(3), 307-334. https://doi.org/10.1177/1049731514565668
Man, W., Wade., C. & Llewellyn, G. (2017). Prevalence of parents with intellectual disabilities in Australia. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 42(2), 173-179. http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/13668250.2016.1218448
Maybery, D., Goodyear, M., Reupert, A., Sheen, J., Cann, W., Dalziel, K., Tchernagovski, P., O’Hanlon, B. & von Dousa, H. (2017). Developing an Australian-first recovery model for parents in Victorian mental health and family services: a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, 17:198. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-017-1357-4
O’Connor, A., Nolan, A., Bergmeier, H., Hooley, M. Olsson, C., Cann, W., Williams-Smith, J. & Skouteris, H. (2016). Early childhood education and care educators supporting parent-child relationships: A systematic literature review. Early Years International Research Journal. 37(4). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09575146.2016.1233169
von Doussa, H., Sundbery, J., Cuff, R., Jones, S. and Goodyear, M. (2017), ‘Let’s Talk About Children’: Investigating the Use of a Family-focused Intervention in the Gambling Support Services Sector. Australian New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 38: 482–495. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/anzf.1233
Conference presentations 2016-17
Bent, C., Wade, C. & Mildon, R. Measuring organisational support for evidence-based practice (poster). Australasian Implementation Conference, Melbourne, Australia, October 2016
Cann, W. Collaborating with families. Goodstart National Conferences, Australia: Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth (August 2016); Sydney (September 2016)
Cann, W. Collaborating with parents. KU Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia, October 2016
Cann, W., Roberts, W., Cleeve, S. & Meldrum, D. A relational-invitational approach to building parental capacity, 12th Biennial ECIA National Conference, Melbourne, Australia, September 2016
Fong, M., & Wade, C. Engaging families in their children’s learning and development. Parent Engagement Conference, Melbourne, Australia, June 2017
Goodyear, M., (Chair and Presenter), Maybery, D., Reupert, A., Morgan, B., Cuff, R., Carter, H. & Obradovic, A. Best practice, next practice. Developing and implementing a parenting recovery intervention in adult mental health and family welfare services. Transgenerational Mental Health: the 5th International Conference on Families and Children with Parental Mental Health Challenges. Basel, Switzerland, August 2016
Goodyear, M.,Cuff, R., Allchin, B. & Jungwirth, K. (2016). Developing best practice standards to meet the needs of families where a parent has a mental illness in adult mental health services.Transgenerational Mental Health: the 5th International Conference on Families and Children with Parental Mental Health Challenges. Basel, Switzerland, August 2016
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Petrovic, Z., Coe, A., Seymour, M., Cann, W. & Hiscock, H. Associations between unsettled infant behaviour, paternal depressive symptoms and anger: a community cohort study. International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference, Melbourne, Australia, September 2016
Cook, F., Seymour, M., Giallo, R., Cann, W., Nicholson, J.M., Green, J. & Hiscock, H. Cry Baby: An online infant sleep and settling program. International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference, Melbourne, Australia, September 2016
Dixon, P. & Polimeni, M. Scaling up evidence-based practice at Wanslea Family Services. Australasian Implementation Conference, Melbourne, Australia, October 2016
Green, J. & McCormack, D. Step and blended families: online innovations in quality parenting support. Australian Institute of Family Studies National Conference, July 2016
Green, J. Aligning health literacy and online parenting resources. Health Direct Australia Partner Forum, Sydney, Australia, November 2016
Green, J. Children’s Voices in Contemporary Australia. Symposium Summary, Centre for the History of Emotions, University of Melbourne, Australia, July 2016
Hood, P. & Michaux, A. Improving safety, permanency and wellbeing for children and young people in OOHC: Implementing an outcome-focused Quality Assurance Framework in NSW. Child Aware Approaches Conference, Brisbane, Australia, May 2017
Macvean, M. & Michaux, A. Using rigorous reviews of the evidence to inform policy and practice decisions in child protection and out-of-home care. Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 2016
Macvean, M., Sartore, G-M., Devine, B., & Pourliakas, A. Using rigorous reviews of the evidence to inform organisational and policy decision in child and family policy and services. Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 2016
Man, N., Llewellyn, G. Wade, C., O’Donnell, M., Bourke, J. & Leonard, H. Parents with intellectual disability in Western Australia. IASSIDD World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, August 2016
McCormack, D., Green, J. & Ryan, D. Choices that matter: ECI in a new era. Early Childhood Intervention Australia, 12th Biennial National Conference, Melbourne, Australia, September 2016
Michaux, A & Macvean, M. Using Rigorous Reviews Of The Evidence To Inform Practice And Policy Decisions In Child Protection And Out-of-Home Care. Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 2016
Michaux, A. Research to Action: Improving the uptake of research: Engaging ResearchPartnerships for Educational and Social Change. Forum and Roundtable on Research Communities in Education, Social Work and Social Policy, Sydney, Australia, November 2016
Michaux, A. & Macvean, M. Beyond Safety And Permanency: Trialling a Child Outcome-focussed Quality Assurance Framework for OOHC. Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 2016
Michaux, A. & McDonald, M. What can public perceptions of parenting tell us about parenting support in Australia? Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 2016
Michaux, A. Supporting parents and early childhood. Got it! Forum, Ultimo, Australia, April 2017
Michaux, A. Turning up the dial on outcomes: Implementing evidence based approaches in NSW. Leading Practice Conference – Holding the Risk, Sydney, Australia, February 2017
Michaux, A., Macvean, M. & Leone, V. Approaches to prevent and respond to problem sexual behaviour in children and young people in out-of-home care. Child Aware Approaches Conference, Brisbane, Australia, May 2017
Michaux, A. Informing the National Framework 3rd Action Plan: Analysis Initiatives with Community Awareness Raising Messages about Parenting. Child Aware Approaches, Brisbane, Australia, May 2017
Phan, T., Wade, C., Lagioia, V. & Hackworth, N. Reach, retention and scale up of the smalltalk intervention targeting improvements to the home learning environment of vulnerable young children. Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, July 2016
Polimeni, M. Implementation of ‘Team around the Child’ for vulnerable families – evaluation findings. Australasian Implementation Conference, Melbourne, Australia, October 2016
Wade, C. & MacVean, M. Worldwide prevalence estimates of parenting with intellectual disability. IASSIDD World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, August 2016
Wade, C. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI): Moving beyond point-in-time evaluation. Australian Evaluation Conference, Perth, Australia, September 2016
Wade, C., Bent, C. & Mildon, R. Who puts the P in EBP: An exploration of pathways of influence on the use of EBP by Australian parenting practitioners. Australasian Implementation Conference, Melbourne, Australia, October 2016
Wade, C., Man, N., Parolini, A., Shackleton, F. & Llewellyn, G. What can we learn about prevalence and characteristics of people with disability and their families from population and service use data? IASSIDD World Congress, Melbourne, Australia, August 2016