Evidence check on efficacy of patient experience surveys
9 May, 2022
People with chronic or complex health issues may experience a range of stressors, such as low income and insecure housing, in addition to their health concerns that place them in a position of increased vulnerability. Measuring their experiences is key to improving the way support services provide care.
To better understand the resources available for this population, the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) conducted an evidence check to identify patient‐reported experience measures (PREMs) used to evaluate integrated services.
Results from the review, brokered by the Sax Institute (www.saxinstitute.org.au) for the NSW Ministry of Health, will support the development of a survey to use with families accessing the NSW Vulnerable Families program in order to better understand their experiences.
Key findings from the review include:
- Only a small number of PREMs were identified for use with people with both chronic or complex health conditions and social vulnerabilities.
- While all the PREMs identified are for use in integrated or coordinated care, only a few have direct applicability to the complex, vulnerable populations participating in Vulnerable Families or to the co-located, cross-service system Vulnerable Families model
- Most of the PREMs were used with adults identified as having complex health concerns rather than people with multiple social vulnerabilities
- Many of the PREMs included domains or items relevant to integrated care or care coordination.
Read the full report on the Sax Institute website.