MyTime’s online support reaches parents at time of need
One of our flagship programs is MyTime, a program that directly supports more than 200 groups of parents across Australia. And these groups have been realising some great outcomes as they adapt to different ways of engaging with parents, children and families.
While COVID-19 has brought an array of challenges, a move to online support has also been an opportunity to test new ways to support parents.
While borne of necessity, online meetings have delivered some unexpected advantages. Some families have found it more convenient, some parents who didn’t want to come to face-to-face meetings felt more comfortable joining meetings online, and a number of families who live remotely have been able to connect.
And while face-to-face meetings have returned for some of our groups, many have opted to continue offering online meetings as an alternative. What has been achieved in such a short time has truly been remarkable.
Ongoing support
Some recently collected feedback about the program provides a snapshot of what MyTime has meant for families during this time:
“(Our facilitator) built some wonderful relationships with parents and children. She really encouraged the group to support each other and celebrate successes. As a parent of a child with a disability, her empathy for their experiences was completely heartfelt.”
“I’d be exhausted at the end of a very long and challenging day, but when there was an email from MyTime, I knew someone out there still cared.”
“I felt I was still connected even when I felt very alone.”
“It helped me find all the supports I could access.”
“Participants felt empowered once they had nailed any IT hurdles and discovered they could use Zoom!”
“Parents who joined the group chats stated they really love the catch up, knowing they were not going through this alone. There have been some great friendships built over this period of COVID and all are thankful they were able to connect.”
“ One of our dads joined (an online meeting) and was able to beautifully share his journey with the group of how he felt as a dad after receiving the diagnosis news of his son. According to his wife, he had never shared how he felt before, this was such a positive outcome for them as a family but also for our members. One of our newest members was so encouraged by his honest sharing … [it] empowered her also to share and breaking down some barriers.”
“A few of the longstanding members are local elders and they mentored the new members who are young mothers. The Elders encouraged the young mothers to continue attending for “time-out” to work on their need for Cultural, Social and Emotional Wellbeing Support.”
Want to know more about MyTime?
We are really proud of the community of support MyTime has built – online and off – and look forward to continue to support parents to support each other. To find a group or to learn more about the service MyTime offers, visit