
Service: Assessing Impact
Our work with LINKS Trauma Healing Service
The NSW Government engaged us to lead a three-year evaluation of the LINKS Trauma Healing Service in partnership with the Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre of Australia and Deakin Health Economics at Deakin University.
Provided by the Department of Communities and Justice, LINKS seeks to decrease trauma symptoms, increase psychological wellbeing and improve behavioural and emotional functioning in children in out-of-home-care.
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Feedback from Department of Communities and Justice
The independent evaluation of LINKS led by the Parenting Research Centre and their partners, the Cultural and Indigenous Research Centre and Deakin Health Economics, found strong evidence that the LINKS Trauma Healing Service improves placement stability and psychological wellbeing of children and young people in care who have experienced serious effects of trauma.
Daniel Barakate, Director, Commissioning and Planning, DCJ
The evaluation supported the current and future investment in the LINKS model and guided continuous program improvement as one of a growing suite of evidence based interventions for children and young people in out-of-home care.
Daniel Barakate, Director, Commissioning and Planning, DCJ
Because the independent evaluation found that the LINKS program is effective in improving life outcomes for this target group, the evaluation was an important way to contribute to the evidence base about trauma informed therapeutic care; share practice information and build sector capacity.
Daniel Barakate, Director, Commissioning and Planning, DCJ