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About MyTime

MyTime is a facilitated peer support space for parents of children with disabilities or other additional needs. MyTime is a national program that gives parents the chance to connect, share experiences, learn, and support one another.

MyTime is federally funded, designed and coordinated by us, and delivered in person and online by selected partner agencies across Australia.

MyTime website
About the program

Improving parents’ sense of wellbeing

Research shows that parents of children with disabilities have a higher risk of poor emotional and physical health. We have designed MyTime to work towards strengthening parental confidence and wellbeing and, ultimately, supporting children and families to thrive. It does this by aiming to improve parents’ sense of hope and belonging, up their self-compassion, build support networks, and more.

Each MyTime group is guided by a skilled facilitator, who weaves MyTime’s key elements into each group and uphold our guiding principles. The result is groups that are safe, supportive, relevant, and informative, making MyTime a valuable source of social and emotional support for parents.

Our role

Evidence-led success

MyTime has been the focus of multiple research studies and evaluations. These found that parents with a range of family circumstances benefited from being part of a peer social-support network.

We use these insights and data, combined with our own gold-standard research, to drive robust change and decision-making processes.

And the results show us that members report feeling more able to cope, and less sad, guilty or lonely.

Research also found parents’ links to their community increased, and that they had greater access to information about how to care for their children.

Our approach

Thousands of parents supported

Drawing on our vast network of professional relationships, we have engaged like-minded organisations to deliver MyTime to tens of thousands of parents since the program began in 2006.

Regular surveys show parents and carers value the program:

  • 94% of MyTime parents were satisfied with the support they received
  • 94% agreed MyTime helped them care for their child
  • 74% agreed they have someone to turn to for advice.

Interested in how we can help your program?

We support the quality of the MyTime program with communities of practice, practitioner resources, and frameworks like MyTime's Guiding Principles. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your program.

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