Recognising parenting programs that really work
The challenge
To ensure parenting programs, practices and service models delivered in NSW are based on the best available evidence.
Who we worked with
We supported the NSW Department of Communities and Justice in its major reform of the state’s family support system. These reforms target families earlier, to avoid them coming into contact with the child protection system. As part of this work we focussed on ensuring that parents receive effective parenting support programs and services. And we combined what we know from evidence with what makes sense on the ground.
What we did
We first conducted a review of parenting programs and found 57 with good evidence for improving child outcomes. Then, we described some key considerations for implementing best practice parenting support.
But we know that ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions aren’t always suitable or affordable for community service agencies and sometimes they don’t match target group needs. As a result, we worked with the Department to develop a Parenting Support Assessment Framework. The framework gave agencies a way to examine their programs and practices to ensure they were making a real difference for families. It also gave them opportunities to assess their innovative work and improve on it. Consequently, innovative initiatives can gain recognition for their contribution to effective parenting support.
The result
Our review of the evidence has added to the knowledge base on best-practice parenting support. In addition, we completed and delivered the Parenting Support Assessment Framework to the Department in mid-2018. It was used to inform the next steps for supporting the sector.
Learn more
- Read an earlier major review we conducted on the evidence for Australian parenting programs
- Read the Review of the evidence for intensive family service models we conducted for the NSW Department of Family and community Services
- Contact us to discuss how we might work with you to better use what we know from research