How we support change
We take a collaborative approach to change – helping others to gain knowledge, look at things differently and improve outcomes.
Here are some examples of our work.
Evaluating Safe Kids, Families Together
We worked with the Department of Human Services South Australia (DHS) to evaluate the Safe Kids, Families Together pilot program to determine how effective it was for improving child outcomes.
Me as a Parent scale (MaaPs)
We developed the Me as a Parent scale (MaaPs) to address a gap in the measurement of parenting self-regulation. This tool may be useful for research and clinical applications.
Me as a Parent scale — Short Form
The Me as a Parent scale – Short Form (MaaPs-SF) is four-item version of the original Me as a Parent scale (MaaPs), designed to measure parenting self-efficacy over time.
ForWhen: Partnering to support new and expectant parents
We are using our practice design and improvement expertise to help support the mental health and wellbeing of new and expectant parents.
Permanency Practice Framework
Using our PracticeWorks methodology, we are working with our partner agencies to develop a framework that will be available to the whole non-government out-of-home care sector.
Evaluating CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes’ response to COVID-19
CatholicCare asked us to help them determine how well their response to COVID-19 worked.
Designing new ways of working to help families
We worked with two community service agencies to reform they way they deliver services and improve outcomes for families
Recognising parenting programs that really work
We helped the NSW Department of Family and Community Services in their efforts to ensure parents are receiving effective programs
Using data in decisions for children in out-of-home care
We're working to connect child caseworkers with the information they need to do the best job possible
Filling the knowledge gap on how parents are coping
This research is the most comprehensive look at the concerns, needs and behaviours of Victorian parents ever conducted
Reducing child abuse and neglect in NSW
We are instrumental in the Australian trial of a program shown to reduce rates of child abuse and neglect by 26%
Supporting the workforce around child mental health
We're working with partners to give professionals the tools and skills they need to intervene early on child mental health
Supporting vulnerable families in the NT and SA
This program aims to keep children in vulnerable Northern Territory and South Australian families happy, healthy, safe and strong
smalltalk: helping young children learn at home
We've designed a program to give disadvantaged parents confidence in helping their young children learn
Working together to address domestic and family violence
This was the first-ever review of evidence on how domestic violence services, child protection agencies and the family law system collaborate
Embedding evidence in a service delivery organisation
The practice framework we developed as part of a long-term collaboration has influenced all aspects of the organisation
Boosting key skills for early childhood educators
Our Making Moments Matter professional learning approach enhances the way educators build relationships with children
Which parenting interventions work best?
This rigorous review of the international scientific literature informed policies and practice around young children at risk of abuse